Distance: 7miles 11k
Grade: Moderate with strenuous bits. Unless proficient with map & compass or GPS do not venture onto the heights in misty conditions.
1. Walk along the road towards Cragg Farm and at the cattle grid
turn right onto a footpath leading downhill towards a substantial barn.
Soon after passing it turn right alongside a small stream and entering open access land.
Keep ahead to a ladder stile leading onto moorland.
Here pick up an indistinct path that keeps parallel with the wall on the left and climbs steeply at first through peat and heather.
After 500yds the path turns away from the wall and begins to ascend the fell gradually. Keep on it as it passes between grouse butts to reach a substantial landrover track. Turn left.
In less than a quarter of a mile bear right to reach the Goldsworthy boxes which in clear weather would have been in sight for quite some time.
and then a shooting hut (a sheltered place to eat your butties)
to reach the broad col between Ward's Stone and Grit Fell. Just before a marker post
turn right on a narrow rocky path that takes you to the summit of Grit Fell.
Besides a cairn and peat and heather there is not much else to see. Continue along the path to a ladder stile.
Once across follow the wall on the right and at the point it becomes a fence cross a stile
and continue across open and at times very boggy moorland in a north-westerly direction.
After a second stile in a fence continue to the trig point.
to reach a gap in the wall on the left just before a fence coming in from the right.
Continue the descent with the wall to your right and then after a kissing gate
in a dog leg kink carry on with it on your left - but for only 200yds. Before dropping into Little Windy Clough turn right onto trackless moor to reach a conjoined triple cairn. (You'll know it when you see it!)
You may be led to believe this is another expression of Mr Goldsworthy's work. A little distance beyond it is the landrover track you intercepted earlier in the walk.
Turn left and follow it down hill passing through a wooden gate
and soon after crossing a stream to cross
a property on a drive bringing you to Littledale Lane. Turn right for the car park - sorry this entails a bit of a climb!